17 March 2009

Hay tres cosas permenentes: la fe, la amor, y la esperenza

This was the theme for this weekend's Campamento (as long as you don't include the rivalry for the flamingo football game...). All of the talks this weekend were based off of this verse in Corinthians 13:13. The first was about love, and about how love is a choice, especially for people that are difficult for us to get along with. Hernan also talked a lot about how important it is for us to follow the call to love everyone, and what that means.
The second talk was about hope. In Spanish, there is only one verb for both English words, hope and wait. Hernan mostly talked about the waiting aspect, how life is a series of "waits" until we get to the end. In order to make it worth the wait,there has to be something at the end. For Hernan, and for Christians everywhere, that thing worth waiting for is Heaven, to be with and worship our creator for all eternity. To love and learn and know for all eternity. That is what makes life worth the "wait" and is what gives me hope. Espera y esperanza.
The third talk was a bout faith. I left this final group session with a realization of how intertwined these three things are. Without hope, faith and love are worthless. Without love, life is worthless and faith and hope are meaningless. Without faith, none of this life means anything. But, love is still the most important because it is what the world sees of us as Christian, of us as a people of faith and hope. They need to see that we can love.

This weekend was also filled with rousing games of Moose-Moose, star tipping, and the 4th annual Flamingo Football game. (Moose-Moose is a crazy group game with signs and sounds, and loads of laughter. Startipping is an esperience of spinning, flashlights, and falling. Flamingo football is a soccer game, boys vs. girls, in which the boys can only use one leg.) All in all, there was a lot of thinking, praying, worshiping, craziness, games, community building, and late nights filles with conversations and fun!

(The first picture is of all the girls getting ready for the Flamingo football game. WAAAACHA! The second two are of a group that climbes a little peak to get a better view of the surrounding mountians and rivers. I hope that you all can tell how beautiful it all was! If you can't see all of the picture, click on it, and you should be able to see the whole thing)

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